Boom!!! and the Egg is Ready.

although modern life saves time with the existance of a great variety of foods ready to eat for all tastes in the market, sometimes we wish to get into the kitchen and prepare a delicious dish, but we have little time. the cookbook "Boom!!! and the Egg is Ready", is destined whom in spite of the the little time they have choose to delight their family elaborating some of the 50 recipes of breakfast, lunch, dinner, and pastry offered in this publication.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Chapter 2

A market-oriented missionstatement defines the business in terms of satisfying basic customer need. (Marketing: an introduction. pg 38)
A mission statement can be the declaration that defines the goal that is trying to be achieved. In the case of "Boom!!! and the egg is ready". we would define the benefits of new ways to elaborate food that results attractive to customers.

consumers stand in the center. The goal is to create value for customers and build profitable customer relationships. (Marketing: an introduction. pg 47)
The markeitng strategy garatees the tie between suppliers and consumers for the profit of both, always having in mind that the essential is the client who has to verify the benefits in prices, products, and the ways to adquire it.

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